This award is presented to secondary school teachers to integrate STEM curriculum into their classrooms. This award is funded by the Timothy B. Campbell Memorial Scholarship Foundation.
CampbellScholar sponsors 6 students per year.
SFCI selects students on our behalf and provides regular updates, including student bios and photos.
Brikni’s Story
Brikni lives with her family in a one-room apartment and primarily speaks Spanish. She struggled in school due to the language barrier and would often become frustrated, sometimes walking out of class. However, with the help of bilingual instructors and SF City Academy’s learning specialist, she received one-on-one support. By the end of the year, she showed significant growth—reading aloud in English and developing a positive attitude towards learning.
Launching STEAM Workshops
In 2024, we began a partnership with Emerson Elementary School and The Lawrence Hall of Science to bring STEAM workshops to fourth and fifth grade students. The first workshop will be in December, with a second in Spring 2025.
Guided by NGSS Standards
The Lawrence Hall of Science provides programs that align with NGSS standards, helping students develop problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and evidence-based reasoning skills. These experiences empower young learners to succeed in a world shaped by science and technology.
Jeffrey Crapper (ELL Migrant/Native American Summer School Program)
Earthquake shaker tables were built to introduce the Engineering Process. Then team building activities were incorporated during community inquiries. Students went to Portland State Engineering Lab for a tour. The final project involved building balsa wood structures to test hypotheses.
Jeffrey Strom (Terra Nova School)
Students worked in small teams to research, design, engineer, build and problem solve their own aquaponics designs. Students applied NGSS matter and energy targets while applying carbon, nitrogen matter cycles during energy flow tracking.
Burton Reed, ACMA (Arts & Communications Magnet Academy)
An aquaponic system was designed and built where the water circulates from the bottom and through the top to fertilize the plants growing above the fish tanks. Students picked out the correct type of fish and fed them daily. They also selected plants for starts and finally transplanted them to the garden outside.
Ms. Sarah Watterson, Ms. Sara Groat (Highland Park Middle School)
Students, acting as outerwear designers, will evaluate the insulative properties of various fabrics and using the results, design the component layers of an Everest expedition coat.
Ms. Ashley Redding, Ms. Rebecca Dennis, Ms. Katrina Flasch (Mountain View Middle School)
Students will use the engineering design process to apply their learning of forces and motion in order to solve a real world, technical skills scenario in which they modify the bumper of a car to make it safer for passengers in a collision.
Ms. Heather Meiring, Mr. David Reynolds (Beaverton High School)
Students will be introduced to several methods to analyze rocket performance, including a real-time altimeter – each tool is a different level of abstraction that students can use to improve their designs. Project can be utilized in Engineering 2 and AP Physics 1.